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· Revision of Urban Well-being Index Questionnaire HU Yuan-yan, CHEN Hong, C… 2017 ,25(6):995-1000
· 社会与情绪健康量表(中学版)中文版修订 谢家树, 刘姗, Chunyan Yang, Mi… 2017 ,25(6):1012-1016
· Effects of Personality Traits and Serum Lipid Levels on Myocardial Enzyme of Angina Patients WANG Yi-he, DU Jin-ling, … 2017 ,25(6):1048-1053
· Functional Connectivity of the Frontostriato-thalamic Circuit Correlates with Positive Symptoms in Schizophrenia HUANG Xiao-jun, Mwansisya… 2017 ,25(5):793-799
· Development of a Motivation for Smartphone Use Scale for Adolescents DONG Ling, REN Yi-zhen, P… 2017 ,25(5):863-867
· Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy and Test Anxiety: The Mediating Effect of Reappraisal ZHAO Xin, ZHOU De-long, D… 2017 ,25(1):120-126
· Helping High School Students Make Decisions on Majors: A Series of Intervention Course in China DOU Ze-nan1, ZUO Ya-jing1… 2016 ,24(6):1132-1137
· Personality and Interpersonal Trust of New-generation Migrant Workers: Mediation of Social Support GE Ying, LI Yu-jie, CAO C… 2016 ,24(5):881-889
· Event-Related Potential Correlates of the Occupational Gender Stereotype-Activated Effect Fan Wei1,2, Zhong Yiping1… 2016 ,24(3):381-388
· Grogan Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire: Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Properties CHAI-HUANG Yang-zi1, HANG… 2016 ,24(2):235-239
· Adult Attachment Orientations and Anxiety:The Mediating of Self-esteem and Security LI Xu1, ZHENG Xue2, WANG … 2016 ,24(1):8-12
· Ethnic Self-reference Effect: Behavioral and Event-related Potential Evidence WANG Xi-ai1,2, FAN Wei2, … 2015 ,23(4):608-614
· Decision-making Deficient in Overweight and Obese Adolescents: Evidence from Door Open and Delay Discounting Tasks CHEN Gui1,2, CAI Tai-shen… 2015 ,23(1):38-47
· Psychometric Properties of the Short-form Version of the Cognitive Style Questionnaire CHEN Jian1, ZHOU Li-hua2,… 2014 ,22(6):1046-1049
· 述情障碍观察量表中文版信度和效度研究 朱熊兆, 蚁金瑶, 姚树桥 2003 ,11(4):276-278
· 社交回避与苦恼量表在学生群体中的信效度研究 彭纯子1, 范晓玲1, 李罗初2 2003 ,11(4):279-281
· 考试焦虑量表在广州市高中生的试测报告 郭靖1, 邓静红2 2003 ,11(4):282-284
· 中小学教师生活事件、应对方式与焦虑、抑郁的相关性研究 李作佳1, 周秋华1, 于振华2 2003 ,11(4):285-286
· 初中学生个人素质、生活压力与心理健康的关系研究 袁立新 2003 ,11(4):287-288
· 40例医学生失眠症患者心理健康状况和心理特征研究 姜美俊1, 苏中华2, 王小平1, 郝伟1 2003 ,11(4):289-291

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