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作者:朱熊兆  蚁金瑶  姚树桥 
单位:中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理研究中心  湖南 长沙410011 
关键词:OAS Alexithymia Reliability Validity 

Objective:To develop a Chinese version of the Observer Alexithymia Scale (OAS) and examine its reliability and validity. Methods: A sample of 468 under-graduate students was administered OAS.The internal reliability and test-retest reliability were examined, and using confirmatory factor analysis,a five-factor model was tested. Results: The Cronbach's a coefficient of the OAS was 0.84; The range of mean interitem correlation coefficients was 0.20~0.45;The test-retest reliability coefficient was 0.90;The correlation coefficients of the five factors with the total scale score were 0.52~0.75,and the correlation coefficients among the five factors were 0.01~0.55;The GFI(0.952)、CFI(0.943)、IFI(0.944)、REMEA(0.069)all met the criteria standards for adequacy of fit.Conclusion: the Chinese version of the OAS is a reliable and valid measure for assessing alexithymia in Chinese-speaking sample.

Objective:To develop a Chinese version of the Observer Alexithymia Scale (OAS) and examine its reliability and validity. Methods: A sample of 468 under-graduate students was administered OAS.The internal reliability and test-retest reliability were examined, and using confirmatory factor analysis,a five-factor model was tested. Results: The Cronbach's a coefficient of the OAS was 0.84; The range of mean interitem correlation coefficients was 0.20~0.45; The test-retest reliability coefficient was 0.90; The correlation coefficients of the five factors with the total scale score were 0.52~0.75,and the correlation coefficients among the five factors were 0.01~0.55; The GFI(0.952)、CFI(0.943)、IFI(0.944)、REMEA(0.069)all met the criteria standards for adequacy of fit. Conclusion: the Chinese version of the OAS is a reliable and valid measure for assessing alexithymia in Chinese-speaking sample.


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