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Psychometric Properties of the Short-form Version of the Cognitive Style Questionnaire
作者:CHEN Jian1  ZHOU Li-hua2  YAN Liang-shi3  SU Lin-yan4 
单位:1. Development Research Center of Undergraduates  Hunan Institute of Technology  Hengyang 421002  China 
 Department of Education Science  Hengyang Normal University  Hengyang 421002 China 
 School of Education Science  Hunan Normal University  Changsha 410081  China 
 Mental Health Institute of the Second Xiangya Hospital  Central South University  Changsha 410011  China 
关键词:Cognitive style Hopelessness depression Self-compassion 


This study examined the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Short-Form version of the Cognitive Style Questionnaire(CCSQ-SF). 415 Chinese undergraduates(306 men, 109 women; mean age=19.2 years, SD=1.04) completed the CCSQ-SF along with the Hopelessness Depression Symptom Questionnaire(HDSQ) and Self-Compassion Scale(SCS). The internal consistency of the CCSQ-SF was high(Cronbach alpha=0.77), and the split-half coefficient and test-retest correlation after 4 weeks were satisfactory(r=0.67 and 0.85, respectively). Pearson correlations of the scores on the CCSQ-SF with the criterion measures(HDSQ and SCS) were in the expected directions. The CCSQ-SF is appropriate for measuring negative cognitive style among Chinese students.


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