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Decision-making Deficient in Overweight and Obese Adolescents: Evidence from Door Open and Delay Discounting Tasks
作者:CHEN Gui1 2  CAI Tai-sheng1  LI Zhi-hua1  LIU Wen-li1 
单位:1. Medical Psychological Institute  Second Xiangya Hospital  Central South University  Changsha 410011  China 
 Department of Social Medicine and Health Management  School of Public Health  Central South University  Changsha 410078  China 
关键词:Obese  Overweight  Adolescent  Impulsivity  Decision-making 

目的: 评估超重或肥胖青少年(n=51,男30人,女21人)与正常体重青少年(n=52,男31人,女21人)是否存在冲动性差异。方法: 采用自我报告和行为测量相结合的方法来评估被试的冲动性。其中,开门任务(DOT)和延迟贴现任务(DDT)用于行为冲动性测量,Barratt冲动量表用于被试的冲动性特质测量。结果: 在两个行为测量任务中,超重和肥胖者较正常体重者表现出更高奖赏敏感性(即,更可能选择少而能立即获得的奖励),但这个效应仅在女生中存在。然而,女生的BMI能够预测他们在食物和金钱贴现任务中的表现,但不能预测其在开门任务中的表现。超重/肥胖组与正常体重组的冲动性差异仅存在于行为测量任务中,在冲动性的自我报告得分上无差异。此外,三种冲动性测量任务之间无显著相关。结论: 与正常体重女生相比,超重/肥胖女生表现出决策缺陷。目前,两组之间决策能力差异的原因尚不清楚,今后研究需要在此方面做出进一步努力。

Objective: This study aimed to assess whether overweight and obese adolescents are more impulsive than healthy-weight controls in reward-sensitivity task and self-report impulsiveness scale. Methods: Self-report scale and behavioural measurements were combined to assess the impulsivity of the subjects. Door opening task(DOT) and delay discounting task(DDT), were used for impulsive behavior. A related impulsive scale-Barratt Impulsiveness Scale(BIS scale) was selected for self-report impulsive traits. Results: For both behavioural measurements, overweight/obese participants (but not males) demonstrated greater reward-sensitivity(i.e., were more likely to choose a smaller, immediate reward) than normal-weight counterparts. Moreover, the BMI could make a predictor factor for their performances(area under the curve) on food- and money related DDT, but not on DOT. Differences in impulsivity were only found in the behavioral assessments, but not observed in self-report scores between the overweight/obese group and the control group. Further, no significant correlations were found among the three measures of impulsivity. Conclusion: Overweight/obese female adolescents indicated some decision-making deficiencies in contrast with their normal-weight counterparts. The reasons for their differences on decision-making remain unclear and require further study.

湖南省哲学社会科学基金(13YBA340); 湖南省教育科学十二五规划课题(XJK014BXL007)

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