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作者:张萍1  张敏2  卢家楣1 
单位:1. 上海师范大学教育学院  上海 200234 
 淮北师范大学教育学院  安徽淮北 235000 
关键词:情绪调节自我效能感 自我效能感 大学生 人格 


Objective: To explore the application of Regulatory Emotional Self-efficacy Scale in Chinese university students and their relations with personality.Methods: 512 university students were surveyed by the Chinese version of the RES Scale and EPQ.Results: ①The RES Scale included three dimensions: perceived self-efficacy in expressing positive affect(POS),perceived self-efficacy in managing despondence/distress(DES) and perceived self-efficacy in managing anger/irritation(ANG).The scale was found to have good reliability and validity for Chinese university students.②The three dimensions of RES had significant differences in gender.Female students were significantly higher than male students in POS,while male students were significantly higher than female students in DES and ANG.Furthermore,POS had significant differences in grade and the score of POS was declining as the grade went up.③Extraversion was positively correlated with POS,while neuroticism was negatively correlated with DES and ANG.Conclusion: The Chinese version of the RES Scale has good psychometric indicators.As a whole,regulatory emotional self-efficacy of university students are positive and diverse.Moreover,personality is closely relevant to regulatory emotional self-efficacy.


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