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作者:聂晗颖  甘怡群 
单位:1. 武汉大学学生工作部大学生心理健康教育中心  武汉 430072 2. 北京大学心理与认知科学学院  北京 100871 
关键词:自我概念清晰性 拥有意义感 寻求意义感 基本心理需要满足 


Objective: To explore the influence of self-concept clarity on subjective well-being and meaning in life, as well as the mediation role of basic psychological needs satisfaction in such relationship. Methods: This study is a twowave longitudinal study(interval of 2 months) in a sample of the 118 people. Self-Concept Clarity Scale(SCCS), Balanced measure of psychological needs(BMPN) scale, Meaning in Life Questionnaire(MLQ), Index of Well-Being and Positive Af-fect and Negative Affect Scale(PANAS) were used as the measuring scales. Results: The scores of self-concept clarity were positively correlated with scores of present of meaning(r=0.33, P<0.01), and subjective well-being(r=0.37, P<0.01). Basic psychological needs satisfaction acted as a mediator between self-concept clarity and present of meaning and subjective well-being. Conclusion: Basic psychological needs satisfaction fully mediates the relationship between self-concept clari-ty and meaning in life as well as subject well-being.


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