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作者:蒋敏慧  万燕  程灶火 
单位:1. 无锡市精神卫生中心  无锡 214151 2. 皖南医学院人文管理学院  芜湖 241000 
关键词:青少年 网络成瘾 家庭教养方式 人格特质 


Objective: To explore influence of family rearing patterns and personality traits on Internet Addiction(IA) and mediating effect of personality. Methods: 118 Internet addicted adolescents(addiction group) and 118 healthy adoles-cents(control group) were assessed with the Family Upbringing Styles Questionnaire(FUSQ), Big Five-factor Inventory (NEO-FFI-R) and Internet Addiction Test(IAT). Results: ①The scores of addiction group were lower than that of control group on the family rearing patterns(t=5.56-11.48, P<0.001) and personality traits such as agreeableness、responsibility、ex-traversion and openness(t=3.57-9.23, P<0.001), but higher than that of control group on neuroticism(t=-9.08, P<0.001). ② The family rearing patterns and personality traits were significantly associated with the IAT score(r=0.176-0.554, P<0.001), accounting for 44.3% of variations. Moreover, Respect-shame(β=-0.330), Agreeableness(β=-0.147), Responsibility(β=-0.212), and Neuroticism(β=0.211) had significant effects on Internet addiction(P<0.001). ③The mediating effect of agree-ableness, responsibility, and neuroticism in association respect-shame with Internet addiction were 23.0%, 23.2%, and 28.3% respectively. Conclusion: Adolescent Internet Addiction is associated with family rearing patterns and personality traits, in which respect-shame, agreeableness, responsibility and neuroticism have important effects on adolescents with In-ternet addiction disorder, meanwhile agreeableness, responsibility and neuroticism exert partial mediating effects on the re-lationship between respect-shame and Internet addiction.


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