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作者:魏曙光  孙五俊  陈洁  孙锦绣 
单位:1. 河南师范大学教育学院  新乡 453007 2. 燕山大学体育学院  秦皇岛 066004 
关键词:家庭环境 亲社会行为 共情 性别 


Objective: To explore the influence of family environment, empathy and gender on prosocial behavior in college students. Methods: A random sample of 1350 college students was recruited in the present study to complete questionnaires of family environment, empathy and prosocial behavior. Using Process to validate mediation model and mediated mediation model. Results: ①In male group, there were significant correlations among family environment, empathy and prosocial behavior. ②The empathy played a mediated role between family environment and prosocial behavior. ③Gender moderated the mediating effect of empathy on prosocial behavior. Conclusion: The empathy has a mediating effect on the relationship between family environment and prosocial behavior. Gender moderates the mediating effect of empathy on prosocial behavior, which demonstrates that the mediated effect was larger in male group than in female group.


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