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作者:冯愉涵  张逸梅  樊富珉 
单位:清华大学心理学系  北京 100084 


We reviewed and discussed the ethic codes of IAGP, AGPA & IBCGP, IGA and the guidance for the best practice of ASGW. There were mainly six parts in the ethnics of foreign academic institutions of group therapy: purpose of ethics, applicable people, abilities of group therapist, ethical issues during the treatment (informed consent, confidentiality, member selection, relationships among therapists and members), relationships outside the group and issues related with research. Member selection and confidentiality have been attached the most intensive attention due to their complicated context. Ethnic codes of group counseling and therapy in foreign countries and institutions enlighten us, ethnics of group counseling in China should be established according to the characteristics of the development of related fields, the temper of times and Chinese culture background.


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