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作者:徐梦飞  侯志瑾  李栩  王丹妮  钱捷 
单位:1. 北京师范大学心理学院  北京 100875 2. 北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院  珠海 519085 3. 美国马里兰大学咨询、高等教育和特殊教育系  美国马里兰州 20742 4. 同济大学人文学院哲学心理学研究所  上海 200092 5. 复旦大学法学院  上海 200438 


Attachment theory serves as an important theoretical base for psychotherapy. Clients will form attachment relationship with therapists in psychotherapy, and the development of such relationship is also the process of helping clients to change. In the current article, we reviewed empirical studies in recent years on how attachment relationship influenced psychotherapy process and outcome from the following perspectives: Client adult attachment, therapist adult attachment, their interaction, client attachment to therapist, and transformation of client attachment. Current research findings and limitations, as well as the future directions, were discussed in this review.


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