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作者:旦增卓玛  游旭群 
单位:1. 陕西师范大学心理学院  西安 710062 2. 西藏大学政法学院  拉萨 850000 


Objective: To examine the relationship among sense of cultural alienation, resilience, mental health in the middle school students of Tibet class mainland China and to explore whether resilience plays a mediating role in the relationship between sense of cultural alienation and mental health. Methods: A sample of 490 middle school students of Tibet class mainland China was recruited in the study to complete Sense of Cultural Alienation Questionnaire, the Resilience Scale of Chinese Adolescents, Mental Health Inventroy of Middle School Students. Results: ①The study found that sense of cultural alienation was negatively associated with both resilience and mental health, wheres resilience was positively related to mental health. ②Resilience mediated the relationship between sense of cultural alienation and mental health. Conclusion: Our findings may support the partial mediating role of resilience in the relationship between sense of cultural alienation and mental health in the middle school students of Tibet class mainland China.


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