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作者:王玉龙1  姚治红1  姜金伟2 
单位:1. 湖南师范大学教育科学学院  长沙 410081 
 信阳师范学院教育科学学院  信阳 464000 
关键词:留守儿童 亲子依恋 情绪调节能力 留守时间 


Objective: To examine the influences of parent-child attachment and duration separated from parents on emotion regulation in left-behind children.Methods: 679 left-behind children were recruited to complete inventory of parent and peer attachment and adolescent's emotion regulation ability questionnaire.Results: ① Parent-child attachment in grade four and five children was significantly higher than that in grade six children;② There was a significant positive correlation between parent-child attachment and emotion regulation ability;③ Duration separated from parents played a significant moderating role between parentchild attachment and emotion regulation ability.Conclusion: Duration separated from parents of rural left-behind children possibly serves as a moderator in the influence of parent-child attachment on emotion regulation ability.Our findings suggest that the longer more duration separated from parents,the greater influence of parent-child attachment on emotion regulation ability development in left-behind children.


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