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作者:梁宗保  马林阁  张光珍  邓慧华 
单位:儿童发展与学习科学教育部重点实验室/东南大学儿童发展与教育研究所  南京 210096 
关键词:婚姻关系质量 学前儿童 社会适应 父母养育行为 中介作用 


Objective: To explore the relations among marital quality,parenting behavior,and children's social adjustment.Methods: Four hundred and fiftyfour preschool children and their parents completed questionnaire survey.Results: ① After controlling for sensitive-cooperative behavior of preschool children at wave 1,paternal warmth and encouragement at wave 2 acted as a mediator between marital quality at wave 1 and sensitive-cooperative behavior at wave 2.② After controlling for preschoolers' social adjustment at wave 1,maternal warmth and encouragement and rejection at wave 2 mediated the relationship between marital quality at wave 1 and preschoolers' angry-aggressive,sensitive-cooperative and anxious-withdrawn behavior at wave 2.Conclusion: Marital quality not only directly affected social adjustment,but also indirectly influenced social adjustment through multiple parenting behavior in preschool children.


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