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作者:田雨馨1  周宵1 2  伍新春1  曾旻1 
单位:1. 北京师范大学心理学院  应用实验心理北京市重点实验室  北京 100875 
 以色列特拉维夫大学社会工作学院  I-Core重大创伤研究中心  以色列特拉维夫 6997801 
关键词:创伤后应激障碍(PTSD) 创伤后成长(PTG) 认知重评 表达抑制 


Objective: To explore the moderating effect of emotion regulation strategies on the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder and posttraumatic growth in adolescents.Methods: The Child PTSD Symptom Scale,Emotion Regulation Strategies Scale and Posttraumatic Growth Inventory were adopted to investigate 302 adolescents at 14 months after Ya'an earthquake.Results: PTSD and reappraisal at 14 months after earthquake have a positive effect on PTG at 14 months after earthquake.In addition,the interaction between PTSD and suppression at 14 months after earthquake also predicted positively the PTG at 14 months after earthquake.Conclusion: The suppression moderated the relationship of PTSD to PTG at 14 months after earthquake.For the individuals who use less suppression strategies,the predictive effect of PTSD on PTG is not significant,but PTSD have a positive effect on PTG among those who adopt more suppression strategies.


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