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作者:池田真理1  侯志瑾1  刘艺羚1  李栩2  Itamar Gati3 
单位:1. 北京师范大学心理学院  北京 100875 
 马里兰大学  美国 
 耶路撒冷希伯来大学  以色列 
关键词:大学生 生涯决策困难 人格 信度 效度 


Objective: To validate the Emotional and Personality-Related Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire Short form (EPCD-SF) for Chinese college students.Methods: A sample of 540 Chinese college students were asked to complete the Chinese version of EPCD-SF.The Career Indecision Scale,Trait Anxiety Scale,and Vocational Identity Scale were chosen as the criterion-related indicators.80 of the students were randomly selected to be retested.Results: ① The final scale had 23 items and 3 dimensions:pessimistic views (PV),anxiety (A),self-concept and identity (Si).② Fit indexes of Confirmatory factor analysis were:χ2=381.13,df=157,CFI=0.93,TLI=0.91,RMSEA=0.05,SRMR=0.05.③ Cronbach α of the whole scales was 0.86,the test-restest reliability was 0.87.For each dimension the Cronbach α was 0.66,0.78,0.74,and the test-restest reliability was 0.71,0.85,0.73.④The EPCD-SF had good criterion related validity.Conclusion: The Chinese version of EPCD-SF has good reliability and validity in Chinese university populations,thus it can be applied in future research.


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