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作者:廖慧云1 3  钟云辉2  王冉冉1  唐宏3 
单位:1. 赣南师范大学教育科学学院  赣州 341000 
 赣州市第三人民医院  赣州 341000 
 赣南医学院  赣州 341000 
关键词:手机成瘾倾向 自尊 羞怯 人际关系困扰 


Objective: To explore the mediating effect of shyness and moderating effect of self-esteem between mobile phone addiction tendency and interpersonal communication disturbances in college students. Methods: 472 college students were assessed with the Relationship Comprehensive Diagnostic Scale, Self-esteem Scale, Shyness Scale and Mobile Phone Addiction Tendency Scale. Results: There were significant differences on interpersonal communication disturbances between students with different levels of mobile phone addiction tendency(P<0.05). Mobile phone addiction tendency was positively related with shyness and interpersonal communication disturbances(r=0.228 andr=0.349, respectively,P<0.05). Self-esteem was negatively related to interpersonal communication disturbances(r=-0.184, P<0.05) and mobile phone addiction tendency(r=-0.155,P<0.05). Shyness mediated the relationship between mobile phone addiction tendency and interpersonal communication disturbances, and self-esteem moderated the effect of shyness on interpersonal communication disturbances. Conclusion: Shyness may mediate the relationship between mobile phone addiction tendency and interpersonal communication disturbances, which is possibly moderated by self-esteem.


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