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作者:李丽1 2  梅松丽1  牛志民2  宋玉婷3 
单位:1. 吉林大学公共卫生学院  长春 130021 
 辽宁医学院人文与管理学院  锦州 121001 
 辽宁医学院研究生学院  锦州 121001 
关键词:孤独感 睡眠质量 智能手机成瘾 中介作用 调节作用 


Objective:To explore the relationship between loneliness and sleep quality in university students, in which the mediating effect of the smartphone addiction and moderating effect of gender were also examined. Methods:A total of 1053 university students were surveyed with UCLA loneliness scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and Smartphone Addic-tion Scale. Results:①14.7% of all participants exhibited clinically relevant sleep disturbances. There were no significant gender differences on sleep disturbance. ②Correlation analysis showed that the scores of daily-life disturbance, Withdraw-al, Cyberspace oriented relationship, Overuse, Tolerance and global SAS were significantly and positively correlated with loneliness. The scores of subjective quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, sleep disturbance, daytime dysfunction and global PSQI were significantly and positively correlated with loneliness. Global PSQI was significantly and positively correlated with global smartphone addiction. ③Regression analysis showed that the smartphone addiction played a partial mediating effect between loneliness and sleep quality. ④Multi-group analysis showed that gender played a moderating effect between loneliness and sleep quality. Conclusion:Reducing loneliness and smartphone addiction are beneficial to improve sleep quality in university students.


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