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作者:陈彦垒1  郭少阳1 2 
单位:1. 聊城大学教科院  聊城 252059 
 江西师大心理学院  南昌 330027 
关键词:学生感知教师支持行为 感恩 成就动机 学业成就 


Objective:There has been a debate on the effects of the teacher's expectation on students' academic achievement, this study constructed a mediated moderation model in which the influence of perception of teachers' support-ing behavior on academic achievement was moderated by gratitude, and this moderation effect was mediated by achieve-ment motivation. Methods:A total of 1379 junior middle school students were recruited in the study to complete the selfreport questionnaires after controlling social desirability. The self-report questionnaires included the questionnaire of teach-ers' supporting behavior to students, gratitude questionnaire and achievement motivation scale. Results:①Perception of teachers' supporting behavior positively predicted academic achievement. ②Gratitude moderated the relationship between perception of teachers' supporting behavior and academic achievement. ③Achievement motivation mediated this modera-tion effect. Conclusion:The research enriches the connotation of teacher expectancy effect, with theoretical significance to optimize the teacher's teaching behavior and improve the teenagers' academic achievement.


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