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作者:樊时佳1 2  胡治国1 2 
单位:1. 杭州师范大学认知与脑疾病研究中心  杭州311121 
 浙江省认知障碍评估技术研究重点实验室  杭州311121 
关键词:面孔识别 熟悉度 梭状回面孔区 N170 认知神经机制 


Familiarity plays a crucial role in the recognition of faces. Familiar faces mainly consisted of three types: fa-mous face, personally familiar faces and one's own face. This article introduced the differences in the cognitive neural mechanism in the recognition of the three types of familiar faces from the following aspects: ①The differences between the familiar faces and stranger faces; ②The differences between the different types of familiar faces. Based on the previous stud-ies, the paper proposed the potential confounders for inconsistent results among the current studies and provided some sug-gestions for future studies.


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