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单位:昆明学院教师教育学院  昆明650214 
关键词:认知负荷 个人理论 刻板印象 再认准确性 


Objective: To explore the moderating role of personal theory on stereotype information processing under dif-ferent cognitive loads. Methods: The Implicit Person Theory Measure was taken to choose subjects, and the recognition sen-sitivity measures was used to tap the degree of information. Results: Under high cognitive load, entity theorists allocated more attention to trait-consistent information, and incremental theorists allocated more attention to trait-inconsistent infor-mation; under no cognitive load, entity theorists allocated more attention to trait-inconsistent information, and incremental theorists allocated more attention to trait-consistent information; under low cognitive load, there were no significant differ-ences to four types of information in both entity theorists and incremental theorists. Conclusion: The processing method of stereotype information was moderated by both personal theory and the cognitive resource.


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