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作者:吴小勇1  黄希庭2 
单位:1. 贵阳中医学院医学人文学院  贵阳550025 
 西南大学心理学部  重庆400715 
关键词:自我反思 记忆提取 元认知评价 自我参照效应 

自我反思主要反映了心理自我相关内容的加工。早期的研究认为自我反思加工可以通过直接对个人相关特质的语义记忆进行提取而得以实现。最近有研究者认为自我反思加工属于元认知评价, 可能与"在线"的心理内容评价有关。随着认知神经科学的发展, 研究表明自我反思可能存在多重的加工方式。未来研究需关注不同自我反思加工方式之间的差异及相互之间关系, 如何从元认知的视角更进一步认识自我反思加工。

The capacity to reflect on one's sense of self is an important component of self-awareness. Self-reflection is the capacity of humans to introspect, which is thought to be crucial for adaptive functioning in the social interaction. The process of self-reflection involves awareness, monitoring and evaluation of the mental information about self. In the earlier studies, some researchers believe the process of self-reflection is based on direct retrieval from semantic memory about personal characteristics. Recent studies have pointed out that the process of self-reflection is related to the process of metacognitive evaluation. The process of self-reflection might reflect the characteristics of metacognitive evaluation in general. Future studies need focus on the following: ①What are the relationships and discrepancies among the multiple process of selfreflection. ②How to exploring the process of self-reflection in perspective of metacognition.


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