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作者:杭荣华  陶金花  吴明飞  张雪娇  董亚歌 
单位:1. 皖南医学院心理学教研室  芜湖241002 
 芜湖市第四人民医院心理科  芜湖241002 
关键词:失独者 情绪问题 心理咨询 随机对照研究 

目的:考查心理咨询对失独者抑郁和孤独感的疗效及不同咨询方式的疗效差异。方法:采用抑郁自评量表(SDS)评定207名失独者,按自愿原则选取48名中度抑郁者(SDS标准分=63-72)为研究对象,随机分配到网络咨询组(网询组)、面对面咨询组(面询组)和对照组,每组16名。网询组和面询组接受心理咨询,每周1次,共10周。各组在干预前后接受SDS 和孤独量表(UCLA)评定。结果:①网询组和面询组SDS(45.23±9.10 和47.58±9.32)和UCLA(37.56±6.86和31.93±5.82)后测分显著低于对照组(61.45±6.15和50.38±7.86),而且后测分显著低于前测分(P <0.001);②面询组UCLA 减分值(19.27±8.39)和减分率(36.56±12.91)显著大于网询组(11.25±6.99 和22.61±13.61),SDS减分值和减分率组间差异无显著性(P >0.1)。结论:心理咨询能有效改善失独者的抑郁症状和孤独感,面对面咨询改善孤独感的效果优于网路咨询。

Objective:To examinet he effect of on-line or face-to-face counseling on depression symptoms and loneliness in parents who lost their only child.Methods:Forty eight volunteers with moderate depression(SDS score=63-72) were sampled from 207 bereaved parents assessed by Self-rating Depression Scale, and randomly assigned to on-line counseling(n=16), face-to-face counseling(n=16) and controls(n=16). Each volunteer received SDS and UCLA Loneliness Scale before and after psychological intervention.Results:①The posttest scores on SDS and UCLA for on-line counseling group (45.23±9.10, 37.56±6.86) and face-to-face counseling group(47.58±9.32, 31.93±5.82) was significantly lower than the control group(1.45±6.15, 50.38±7.86), and their posttest scores was lower than the pretest scores. ②The reduced score(19.27±8.39) and percentage(36.56±12.91) of face-to-face counseling group on the UCLA were significantly greater than on-line counseling group(11.25±6.99 and 22.61±13.61), and no group differences of the reduced score and percentage on the SDS were observed.Conclusion:The Psychological counseling may effectively improve the depression symptoms and loneliness for bereaved parents, and face-to-face counseling. may be more effective loneliness relative to the on-line counseling.


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