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作者:王美萍  张文新 
单位:山东师范大学心理学院  济南250014 
关键词:5-HT1A基因rs6295多态性 负性生活事件 青少年攻击行为 


Objective:To explore the association among 5-HTR1A gene rs6295 polymorphism, negative life events and adolescents' aggressive behavior.Methods:Adolescent Life Events Scale and Youth Self Report(YSR) were administered to 715 Junior high school students, and 153 participants who scored on the top 10% or at the bottom 10% of aggressive behavior were collected DNA from saliva and genotyped.Results:No significant main effect of rs6295 polymorphism on adolescents' aggressive behavior was found. However negative life events could positively and significantly predict adolescents' aggressive behavior. There existed an interactive tendency between rs6295 polymorphsim and negative life events, but failed to reach the significant level.Conclusion:Negative life events play an important role in adolescents' aggressive behavior, but its interaction effect with rs6295 polymorphsim on aggressive behavior remains to be verified.


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