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作者:余雪  李开强  刘玥  安欣颖  刘翔平 
单位:1. 北京师范大学心理学院  北京100875 
 四川省教育科学研究所  成都610225 
 北京第一师范学校附属小学  北京100075 
关键词:中央执行功能 工作记忆训练 ADHD 


Objective:The aim of the current research is to compare the interventional effects of two types of working memory training program on children with ADHD. One was the Cogmed working memory training(WMC), and the other was the working memory updating training(WMU).Methods:Twenty-eight 7- to 11- year old school-age children with ADHD (26 male; 92% ) were randomized to either WMU or WMC group and evaluated before and after treatment. Dependent measures included parent and teacher's rating of ADHD symptoms.Results:Compared to the WMC group, the WMU group demonstrated significantly greater improvements in operation span task and ADHD symptoms.Conculusion:Compared with WMC training program, WMU, with a more focus on the central executive function component of working memory, presents better interventional effects on working memory and ADHD symptoms. This suggested that the training of manipulation, rather than storage component, may play a key role in the intervention of cognitive dysfunction and clinical symptoms on children with ADHD.


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