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作者:张广磊  邓光辉 
单位:郑州铁路职业技术学院公共教学部心理教研室  河南 郑州 450000 
关键词:行为偏好 人格特征 网络游戏 


Objective: This research mainly concerns the relationship between the behavior preference in network game and the trait of personality of players. Methods: This study surveyed 294 players by Behavior Preference in Network Game Questionnaire(BPNGQ) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire(EPQ). Results: All scores in factors of BPNGQ ex cluding emotion of agression had significant correlations with all dimensions of EPQ . In all traits of personality, there was significant differences between types of killer and relaxing, and no significant difference between catharsis and relaxing. Sanguineous players had lower scores in putting in energy and emotion of devotion. Bilious players had higher scores in behavior of aggression, and players of viscous had higher scores in attitude of aggression. Conclusion: Theory of behavior preference in network game has evidence of personality. Players of different personality traits display various preference in network game.


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