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作者:欧阳取平1  王玉平2 
单位:1. 中国医科大学北京顺义医院神经内二科  北京 101300 
 首都医科大学宣武医院神经内科  北京 100078 
关键词:事件相关电位(ERP) N270 工作记忆 冲突监测处理 


Objective: To study the effects of memory on the event-related potential N270, the correct reponse rates (CR) and the mean reaction time(RT). Methods: The test included two tasks: the task of the digit-symbol association study and the task of the digit-digit comparison. There were four types of stimulus pairs which were randomly presented to the subjects: ①the symbol(S2) was related to the digit(S1), ②the symbol(S2) was unrelated to the digit(S1), ③the second digit (S2) was matched with the first digit (S1), ④the second digit (S2) was mismatched with the first digit (S1). Subjects were asked to determine if the second stimulus(S2) was related(or matched) with the first stimulus(S1) according to the memory, while event-related potentials(ERPs) were recorded from their scalp. Results: N270 was evoked by the stimulus pairs that contained conflict, but not by the no conflict pairs. Furthermore, the mean amplitudes of N270 elicited by digit-digit con-flict were significantly larger than those elicited by digit-symbol conflict. The reaction times (RTs) in the task of the digitsymbol association session were significantly longer than those in the digit-digit matching session(P<0.05). The correct re ponse rates(CR) in the task of the digit-digit matching session were significantly higher than those in the digit-symbol as sociation session (P<0.05). Conclusion: The working memory system could influence the system of the conflict monitoring and processing system. The course of the conflict monitoring and processing could be effected by the capacity of the working memory. Finally the capacity of the working memory would lead to the change of the mean amplitude of N270, the reaction times (RTs) and the correct reponse rates (CR).


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