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作者:宋星  朱海燕  邓云菁 
单位:云南师范大学心理系  云南 昆明 650092 
关键词:内隐自我评价 IAT 涉毒罪犯 


Objective: The research was to identify the implicit self-evaluation of drug criminals. Methods: Two IAT were conducted to investigate the implicit self-evaluation of ability and personality of the criminals. Results: Whether the self words were associated with the negative ability words or the negative personality words, the criminal reacted more quickly to them than to the positive words. And the IAT effect of the ability was a little bigger than the personality's. It re vealed that the self words were easier to associate with negative ability words than with the negative personality words. Conclusion: The result indicates that drug criminals have significant positive self-evaluation on their ability and personal ity, and they tend to have more expectation of their ability than of personality.


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