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作者:韩小琼1  郑雪1  丘碧群2  严标宾1 2 
单位:1. 华南师范大学心理系  广东 广州 510631 
 肇庆学院教育学系  广东 肇庆 526061 
关键词:情绪智力 应对效能 相关研究 大学生 


Objective: To study the relationship between emotional intelligence and coping efficacy of college students. Methods: 220 college students in Guangdong province were selected as a sample to complete Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire and Coping Efficacy Scale. Results: ①In the Emotional intelligence scores, the lower-grade students were higher than the higher-grade; cadre students were higher than the non-cadre students. ②In the Coping efficacy scores, cadre students were higher than the non-cadre students’ . ③Emotional intelligence was positively correlated with coping efficacy, and competence perception; self-confidence degree and cognition level were mainly contributed to emotional in - telligence. Conclusion: Emotional intelligence is positively correlated with coping efficacy.


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