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作者:高翔1  郑日昌2 
单位:1. 中国民航管理干部学院  北京 100102 
 北京师范大学心理学院  北京 100875 
关键词:中学生 复原力 同质性信度 重测信度 结构效度 MTMM模型 


Objective: To measure middle school students’ resilience from different views. Methods: Middle School Students’ Resilience Scale (Self-assessment, Parent-assessment and teacher-assessment) was developed by open inter viewing, and exploring factor analysis, and its reliability, re-test reliability and construct validity were analyzed. And then three perspectives MTMM model was constructed. Results: It suggested that Middle School Students’ Resilience Scale (Self-assessment, Parent-assessment and teacher-assessment) had good reliability and validity. And the construct validity of MTMM was good as well. Conclusion: It is concluded that the four characteristics from each branch scale are rational. The analysis of convergent validity and discriminative validity indicated that there exists bias against the assessment of re silience, therefore it is necessary to assess them from various angles.


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