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作者:刘哲宁  龚耀先 
单位:湖南医科大学附属第二医院 湖南长沙 410011 
关键词:精神分裂症 P300 阴性亚型 阳性亚型 

目的:比较阴性、阳性精神分裂症P300、抽象思维能力的差异;探讨P300能否从客观上反映抽象思维能力的水平。方法:22例阴性、27例阳性初发未服药的精神分裂症患者和 17例正常对照组,进行P300、第四例外和Wisconsin卡片分类测验。阴性、阳性组各 10例接受氯氮平治疗四周后,进行治疗前后的比较。结果:阴性组在Fz,Cz,Pz,T7,T8五个点的P300波幅显著低于对照组,潜伏期明显长于正常对照组,阳性组在Cz,Pz点的P300波幅低于正常对照组 (P<0.05),P300的波幅与潜伏期两组患者之间有显著差异 (P<0.05);治疗前后阴性组的P300无明显变化 (P>0.05),而阳性组变化显著 (P<0.05);阴性、阳性组患者第四例外、WCST成绩明显低于正常对照组 (P<0.05)。相关分析发现抽象思维能力的测验与Fz的P300波幅有显著相关。结论:精神分裂症患者P300波幅较低不是抗精神病药所致,在发病的初期就已存在。阳性、阴性精神分裂症可能有不同的生物学基础。P300异常主要存在抽象思维能力差的患者中.

Objective:To study possible differences in P300 and abstract thinking between negative and positive subtypes of drug-free f irst episode schizophrenia. Methods:Diagnosed according to the CCMD-II-R criteria for schizophrenia, 22 negative subtype, 27 positive sub type, and 17 normal control subjects were administered auditory ERPs at Fz,Cz,Pz,T7,T8. Abilitiy for abstract thinking was tested by Gong's Sorting Test and WC ST. 10 negative and 10 positive subtype schizophrenics were treated with clozapi ne for four weeks followed by re-administration of ERPs. Results:Both negative and positive subtypes of schizophrenia exhibited reduced P300 amplitudes at baseline. The P300 abnormalities varied across the negative and positive subtypes. There was significant negative correlation between negati ve symptoms and the P300 amplitude at Fz in schizophrenia. However, Positive sub type schizophrenia showed a trend toward normalization of P300. Conclusion:The present study provided findings in support of biological d ifference between negative and positive subtype schizophrenics.


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