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作者:施发萍  赵必华 
单位:安徽师范大学教育科学学院  安徽 芜湖 241000 
关键词:中学生 自我概念 量表编制 


Objective: To construct a model of middle-school students'self-concept and to develop a scale of middle-school students'self -concept. Methods: A multidimensional and hierarchical model of middle -school students'self-concept was constructed depending on several theories of self-concept and realities of middle-school students, and then the middle-school students'self -concept scale was developed. 376 middle -school students were sampled from Anhui province to evaluate the reliability and validity of the self-concept scale. Results: The results of exploratory factor analysis showed that the scale included physical self, study self, moral self, social self, emotional self, ability self, family self, and art self, explaining 68.41% of the total variance. The Cronbach's coefficient was 0.93. The split-half correlation coefficient was 0.92. The Cronbach's coefficients and split-half correlation coefficents of every sub-scale were all above 0.75. Con-clusion: This scale could be a useful tool to measure the self-concept of middle-school students.


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