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作者:胡寒春1  邓云龙1  潘辰1  梁燕君2  唐秋萍1 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅三医院临床心理科  湖南 长沙 420013 
 广东金融学院心理咨询中心  广东 广州 510521 
关键词:弹性 压力 老年 成功老龄化 心理测量学 

目的:考察压力弹性商数(Stress Resilience Quotient)量表中文版在中国中老年人中的信效度。方法:随机抽取株洲市年龄在60岁以上的203名社区居民完成压力弹性量表中文版的测查。结果:原量表中的2个条目不符合条目分析的要求,其余条目的探索性因素分析获得了4个特征根大于1的因子,累计解释的方差为54.43%,各条目因素负荷为0.369-0.801。量表的内部一致性系数为0.66-0.87,重测系数在0.68-0.82。压力弹性商数与总体生活满意度相关为0.281-0.586。结论:压力弹性商数量表中文版用于社区老年人具有较好的信度和效度。

Objective: To examine the reliability and validity of the Stress Resilience Quotient Scale (SRQS) in the el- derly community-dwellers. Methods: A total of 203 community-dwelling old people over age 60 in Zhuzhou city completed the Stress Resilience Quotient Scale, along with the general life satisfaction questionnaire. Results: Two items of the SRQS were removed as a result of item analysis, Exploratory factor analysis on the rest items yielded four factors, which could explain 54.43% of the variance, the item loadings of the scale were 0.369-0.801. The internal consistency of the scale were 0.66-0.87 (Cronbach ’ s alpha), the test-retest reliability were 0.68-0.82. The correlation between SRQS and general life satisfaction questionnaire were 0.281-0.586. Conclusion: The study indicates that the SRQS is a reliable and valuable scale for assessing resilience.


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