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作者:李西营1  宋娴娴1  郭春涛2 
单位:1. 河南师范大学教科院  河南 新乡 453007 
 江西师范大学心理学系  江西 南昌 330027 
关键词:学习倦怠 社会支持 控制点 学习压力 


Objective: Analyse the relation between undergraduates’ learning burnout and social support, locus of con - trol, adolescent stressors. Methods: 260 university students were randomly selected as the subject. In this paper, question - naires such as Learning Burnout Inventory, Social Support Evaluation Inventory, Locus of Control Inventory, and Academic Stressors Inventory as the study tools were used as with SPSS13.0 applied as the statistical software to conduct analysis. Results: The result were that social support, Locus of control, Academic Stressors were significantly correlated with their learning burnout, and both they were effective predicted variables of learning burnout. Academic Stress had a direct influ ence on learning burnout, also had an indirect influence through locus of control. Conclusion: Locus of control is a medi - ator between academic stressors and learning burnout. Locus of control also has an indirect influence on learning burnout through social support.


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