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作者:张焱1  郭玺2 
单位:1. 山西临汾地区医院 山西 临汾 041000 
 山西临汾地区 防疫站 
关键词:Noise pollution Women workers Emotion state 

Objective:To investigate the effects of steady noise on the emotional state of female textile workers.Methods:The Emotional State Questionnaire recommended by the WHO was administered to a random sample of 292 female working in noise-polluted environment.Results:The emotional state of female workers was adversely affected by steady noise over 85 dB.Significant differences were found on 5 factor scores including T,D,A,F and C when compared to the controls.Conclusion:The negative impact of noise pollution on emotional state of female workers was confirmed in this study.The emotional state of female workers correlated with noise intensity,years of work under influence,and age.

Objective:To investigate the effects of steady noise on the emotional state of female textile workers.Methods:The Emotional State Questionnaire recommended by the WHO was administered to a random sample of 292 female working in noise-polluted environment.Results:The emotional state of female workers was adversely affected by steady noise over 85 dB.Significant differences were found on 5 factor scores including T,D,A,F and C when compared to the controls.Conclusion:The negative impact of noise pollution on emotional state of female workers was confirmed in this study.The emotional state of female workers correlated with noise intensity,years of work under influence,and age.


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