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作者:魏安宁  吴国珍 
单位:浙江省萧山市第五人民医院 浙江萧山 311201 
关键词:Surgical patient Anxiety 

Objective:To examine significant factors in patients presenting for surgery, and to develop psychological intervention for better recovery of these patients. Methods:Two hundred and six patients presenting for surger y were measured by Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA)and compared before and after op eration.Resu lt:overall, the total anxiety score measured before operation was high er than those aThe scale total scale was higher significantly preoperation than after operation.Patients presenting for large-scale operations were more anxiou s than those receiving middli-scale operation.All of the above findings were sta tistically significant(P0.01). Conclusion:Psychological intervention has been developed t o facilitate coping with anxiety in pre-operative patients according to the resu lts of this study.

Objective:To examine significant factors in patients presenting for surgery, and to develop psychological intervention for better recovery of these patients. Methods:Two hundred and six patients presenting for surger y were measured by Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA)and compared before and after op eration.Resu lt:overall, the total anxiety score measured before operation was high er than those aThe scale total scale was higher significantly preoperation than after operation.Patients presenting for large-scale operations were more anxiou s than those receiving middli-scale operation.All of the above findings were sta tistically significant(P0.01). Conclusion:Psychological intervention has been developed t o facilitate coping with anxiety in pre-operative patients according to the resu lts of this study.


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