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作者:虞洪  黄向阳  陆秀凤 
单位:重庆医科大学附二院 重庆 630046 
关键词:Coping style Personality Quality of life Pregnant women 

Objective: To study the correlation betwee n cop ing style, personality and quality of labor in pregnant women. Methods : Seventy-two pregnant women were assessed by the Medical Coping Mode s Questionn aire(MCMQ), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire(EPQ), and quality of labor as measu red by pain severity, amount of blood loss, and duration of delivery. R esults: The coping style of avoidance and extraversion were found to correlate negativ ely with quality of labo r(P0.01), which in turn correlated with resignation and Neuroticism.Pregnan t women capitalize on the use of avoidance coping style, for which psychological intervention might be warranted.Conclusion:The pregnant women should used the coping style of avoi dance, and taken some psychotherapy to improve the quality of labor.

Objective: To study the correlation betwee n cop ing style, personality and quality of labor in pregnant women. Methods : Seventy-two pregnant women were assessed by the Medical Coping Mode s Questionn aire(MCMQ), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire(EPQ), and quality of labor as measu red by pain severity, amount of blood loss, and duration of delivery. R esults: The coping style of avoidance and extraversion were found to correlate negativ ely with quality of labo r(P0.01), which in turn correlated with resignation and Neuroticism.Pregnan t women capitalize on the use of avoidance coping style, for which psychological intervention might be warranted.Conclusion:The pregnant women should used the coping style of avoi dance, and taken some psychotherapy to improve the quality of labor.


[1] 张明园.精神科评定量表手册.长沙:湖南科学技术出版社,1993,134-137
[2] 车文博.心理治疗指南.长春:吉林人民出版社,1990,655-668,966-976


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