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作者:孔元原  胡勇  孙明明 
单位:河南省安阳市人民医院儿科 河南安阳 455000 
关键词:Asthma Children Behavioral problem Quali ty of life. 

Objective:To explore differences in beha viors and quality of life between asthmatic and non-asthmatic children . Methods:Be haviors and quality of life were assessed in the 84 children with asthma and healthy children, 4-11 years of age .Results :Behavioral problems were more prevalent in asthmatics than non-asthmatics.The major beha vior al problems in children with asthma were recession, physical complaints, anxiety/ de pression, and social intercourse.The children with asthma were less satisfact ory than healthy children with respect to quality of life especially on anxiety, depressi on and somatic feelings.Conclusion:Asthma contribut es to the developmen t of behavioral problem and adversely affects the children's quality of life.

Objective:To explore differences in beha viors and quality of life between asthmatic and non-asthmatic children . Methods:Be haviors and quality of life were assessed in the 84 children with asthma and healthy children, 4-11 years of age .Results :Behavioral problems were more prevalent in asthmatics than non-asthmatics.The major beha vior al problems in children with asthma were recession, physical complaints, anxiety/ de pression, and social intercourse.The children with asthma were less satisfact ory than healthy children with respect to quality of life especially on anxiety, depressi on and somatic feelings.Conclusion:Asthma contribut es to the developmen t of behavioral problem and adversely affects the children's quality of life.


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