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作者:张桂华  焦志安  薛继芳 
单位:山东省精神卫生中心 山东济南 250014 
关键词:CPI-RC Psychological ability 

Objective:To explore the differences of ps ychological abilities of college students in different fields.Me thods:One hundred and seventy f our students from a department of medicine in a Chinese traditional medical univ ersity and a social science department in a university were tested with CPI-R C.Results:The scores of the subjects on all of the 20 s ubscales were comparable to norms.A few of the female students in both fields showed relatively higer scores on some subscales th an the males students. Also, a few of the medical students obtained slightl y higher scores on some of the subscales than social science students. Conclusion:Both male and female students in the two fields show average levels of psychological abilities , but analysis produce some meaningful results.

Objective:To explore the differences of ps ychological abilities of college students in different fields.Me thods:One hundred and seventy f our students from a department of medicine in a Chinese traditional medical univ ersity and a social science department in a university were tested with CPI-R C.Results:The scores of the subjects on all of the 20 s ubscales were comparable to norms.A few of the female students in both fields showed relatively higer scores on some subscales th an the males students. Also, a few of the medical students obtained slightl y higher scores on some of the subscales than social science students. Conclusion:Both male and female students in the two fields show average levels of psychological abilities , but analysis produce some meaningful results.


[1] 杨坚,龚耀先.中国修订加利福尼亚心理调查表手册.湖南地图出版社,1993
[2] 焦志安,高春霓,曾涛,等.卖淫女青年CPI测查结果分析.中国临床心理学杂志,1999 ,7(3):181
[3] 蒋铁平,刘永红,李凌云.海洛因依赖者CPI-RC测定.中国心理卫生杂志,1999,13(2): 102
[4] 袁玉华,杨小玲,潘涌,等.男性服刑罪犯的个性特征研究.中国临床心理学杂志,200 0,8(2):100


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