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单位:南京师范大学 江苏南京 210024 
关键词:Locus of control Anxiety Depression Lone ness 

Objective:To study the correlation among l oc us of control, anxiety, depression and loneness, and to ascertain the predictive v alue of locus of control for the three emotional states.Methods:One hundred forty (male 83;female 57)college studen ts were administered t he State-Trait Anxiety Inventory(STAI), the revised UCLA Loneliness Scale, the B eck Depression Inventory and the Levenson IPC Scale.Results:The findings indicated th at state anxiety was not significantly related to any aspect of locus of c ontrol, th e trait anxiety had significant relation with P and C.Loneness positively correl ated with internal locus of control and negatively correlated with P and C.Depre ssion negatively correlated with internal locus of control only. Multiple regres sion analysis indicated limited predictability of locus of control with respect to the three emotional states.Conclusion:The relationships of locus of control with anxiety, depression and loneness appeared to be comple x.The predictive value of locus of control for the negative emotional states was limited.

Objective:To study the correlation among l oc us of control, anxiety, depression and loneness, and to ascertain the predictive v alue of locus of control for the three emotional states.Methods:One hundred forty (male 83;female 57)college studen ts were administered t he State-Trait Anxiety Inventory(STAI), the revised UCLA Loneliness Scale, the B eck Depression Inventory and the Levenson IPC Scale.Results:The findings indicated th at state anxiety was not significantly related to any aspect of locus of c ontrol, th e trait anxiety had significant relation with P and C.Loneness positively correl ated with internal locus of control and negatively correlated with P and C.Depre ssion negatively correlated with internal locus of control only. Multiple regres sion analysis indicated limited predictability of locus of control with respect to the three emotional states.Conclusion:The relationships of locus of control with anxiety, depression and loneness appeared to be comple x.The predictive value of locus of control for the negative emotional states was limited.


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