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作者:王立法1  戴光明2 
单位:1. 解放军第289医院 山西候马 043014 
 第三军区大学新桥医院 山西候马 043014 
关键词:Neurosis Headache Deanxit Nimodipine 

Objective: To observe the effect of Deanxit and Nimodipine on the headache of anxiety and depression neurosis. Methods:Fifty anxiety and depressive neurosis patients with headache were randomly divide into groups A and B. Group A: Daenxit and nimodipine therapy, group B: Deanxit therapy. All the patients were examined in TCD, Hamilton Anxiety Scale, Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMH、HAMD)and the chief symptom changes before and after therapy. Results: Eight weeks after therapy, the cerebral blood fluid in group A was improved, but it was insignificant in group B. The symptoms of anxiety, depression and headache in group A were much better improved than that of group B. Conclusion: Deaxit had a better anti-anxiety and antidepression function. Nimodipine could improve markedly headache less for anxiety and depression. It was more effect that synthetic therapy than single anti-anxiety and antidepression.

Objective: To observe the effect of Deanxit and Nimodipine on the headache of anxiety and depression neurosis. Methods:Fifty anxiety and depressive neurosis patients with headache were randomly divide into groups A and B. Group A: Daenxit and nimodipine therapy, group B: Deanxit therapy. All the patients were examined in TCD, Hamilton Anxiety Scale, Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMH、HAMD)and the chief symptom changes before and after therapy. Results: Eight weeks after therapy, the cerebral blood fluid in group A was improved, but it was insignificant in group B. The symptoms of anxiety, depression and headache in group A were much better improved than that of group B. Conclusion: Deaxit had a better anti-anxiety and antidepression function. Nimodipine could improve markedly headache less for anxiety and depression. It was more effect that synthetic therapy than single anti-anxiety and antidepression.


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