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作者:任孝鹏  戴晓阳 
单位:中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理研究中心 湖南 长沙 410011 
关键词:NEO-PI-R Bipolar  Bipolar  Personality traits 

Objective:To examine differences among recovered Bipolar Ⅰ, Bipolar Ⅱ patients and controls. Methods: Using NEO-PI-R, HAMD and BRMS, we investigated 59 recovered bipolar patients and 59 normal controls matched for age, gender and education. Results: Compared with controls, Bipolar Ⅱ patients showed significant differences in personality traits of Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Openness to Experience. While Bipolar Ⅰ patients obtained higher scores on Gregariousness, Bipolar Ⅱ patients scored higher on traits of Depression, Impulsiveness and Aesthetics. Scores on Warmth were higher in Bipolar Ⅰ patients than in Bipolar Ⅱ patients. Conclusion: Personality traits of recovered bipolar patients were markedly different from matched controls, whereas the differences between Bipolar Ⅰ and Bipolar Ⅱ patients were small.

Objective:To examine differences among recovered Bipolar Ⅰ, Bipolar Ⅱ patients and controls. Methods: Using NEO-PI-R, HAMD and BRMS, we investigated 59 recovered bipolar patients and 59 normal controls matched for age, gender and education. Results: Compared with controls, Bipolar Ⅱ patients showed significant differences in personality traits of Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Openness to Experience. While Bipolar Ⅰ patients obtained higher scores on Gregariousness, Bipolar Ⅱ patients scored higher on traits of Depression, Impulsiveness and Aesthetics. Scores on Warmth were higher in Bipolar Ⅰ patients than in Bipolar Ⅱ patients. Conclusion: Personality traits of recovered bipolar patients were markedly different from matched controls, whereas the differences between Bipolar Ⅰ and Bipolar Ⅱ patients were small.


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