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作者:刘航英  郑淑芹  吕维  吴洪剑  徐志敏  王壮业 
单位:德州市人民医院 山东 德州 253014 
关键词:Children Adaptive behaviors Related factors Parental education 

Objective:To investigate adaptive behaviors and related factors in children. Methods: 1048 children, aged 3 to 12, were administered the Adaptive Behavioral Scale (ABS) of Children, as well as being observed for significant related factors. Results: Overall mean score on the ABS for all subjects in the sample was within normal range. 17 children(1.62%) were diagnosed as adaptive deficient, and there was significant positive correlation between scores on the ABS and parental education levels. Scores of boys were higher when compared to girls. Conclusion: An incidence of 1.62% was diagnosed as deficient in adaptive behaviors among children in our study. Parental education was identified as an important contributing factor.

Objective:To investigate adaptive behaviors and related factors in children. Methods: 1048 children, aged 3 to 12, were administered the Adaptive Behavioral Scale (ABS) of Children, as well as being observed for significant related factors. Results: Overall mean score on the ABS for all subjects in the sample was within normal range. 17 children(1.62%) were diagnosed as adaptive deficient, and there was significant positive correlation between scores on the ABS and parental education levels. Scores of boys were higher when compared to girls. Conclusion: An incidence of 1.62% was diagnosed as deficient in adaptive behaviors among children in our study. Parental education was identified as an important contributing factor.


[1] 姚树桥,龚耀先.儿童适应行为评定量表操作手册.1994
[2] 姚树桥,周世杰,王 丽,等.幼儿适应技能评定量表的编制.中国临床心理学杂志,1999,7(2):81-85


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