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单位:深圳大学 深圳 510060 
关键词:职业测评 NEO-PI-R 人格量表 

目的 本研究试图探讨不同职业人群的人格特征差异。方法 采用NEO-PI-R对149名软件开发、工程技术、营销、管理和财会等5组民营企业人员进行人格测评,并与中国常模样本进行了比较。结果 地处珠江三角洲的民营企业人员在神经质分量表上的得分显著低于常模样本,而在严谨性分量表上的得分则显著高于常模样本;五种不同职业人群的人格特征存在明显的差异,分别具有自己相应的特点。结论 不同职业的人群的人格特征确实存在一定的差异,该结果对于职业咨询和人力资源管理具有参考意义和实用价值。

Objective To examine the personality character of different occupational groups.Methods A Mandarin Chinese version of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) was administered to 149 subjects including software engineers,mechanical engineers,salespersons,managers and accountants.Results The occupational groups in this study obtained lower scores in Neuroticism and higher scores in Conscientiousness subscale in comparion with Chinese norms.There were significant differences both in personality domain and facet levels among the five subgroups of occupational people.Conclusion Significant differences of personality existed among different occupational groups.


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