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作者:孙海霞1  姚树桥2 
单位:1. 海军421医院内三科 广东 广州 510318 
关键词:Stress Insulin resistance 

It has been reported that psychological stress plays an important role in the occurrence of insulin resistance(IR).Studying the mechanism of stress on IR may be useful to understand the pathophysiologic process underlying some diseases.It may also help to shed light on developing effective therapeutic methods.Major mechanisms discussed in this review include:(a) Activating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis; (b) Enhancing the chronic activation of sympathetic system; and (c) changing CNS chemical substances via immune system.

It has been reported that psychological stress plays an important role in the occurrence of insulin resistance(IR).Studying the mechanism of stress on IR may be useful to understand the pathophysiologic process underlying some diseases.It may also help to shed light on developing effective therapeutic methods.Major mechanisms discussed in this review include:(a) Activating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis; (b) Enhancing the chronic activation of sympathetic system; and (c) changing CNS chemical substances via immune system.


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