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作者:宋志一  朱海燕  殷素梅  张锋 
单位:云南师范大学教育科学与管理学院 云南 昆明 650092 
关键词:CPI Drug user Specific Personality Characteristics Personality Type Cluster Analysis 

Objective To explore personality characteristics and personality types of drug users.Methods 192 cases of drug users were tested using CPI and the cluster analysis was based on the data of 20 sub-scales.Results First,in Sociability and Flexibility two sub-scales the drug user present better than the normal group,but in other sub-scales were worse or much worse such as Responsibility,Socialization,Sense of Wellbeing,Achievement Via Conformance and Achievement Via Independence sub-scales.Second,192 cases of drug users were divided into four groups by hierarchical cluster analysis,they were Sociality,Idleness,Independence and Conformance.Conclusion The drug users had some special personality characteristics and they were divided into four typical personality types.

Objective To explore personality characteristics and personality types of drug users.Methods 192 cases of drug users were tested using CPI and the cluster analysis was based on the data of 20 sub-scales.Results First,in Sociability and Flexibility two sub-scales the drug user present better than the normal group,but in other sub-scales were worse or much worse such as Responsibility,Socialization,Sense of Wellbeing,Achievement Via Conformance and Achievement Via Independence sub-scales.Second,192 cases of drug users were divided into four groups by hierarchical cluster analysis,they were Sociality,Idleness,Independence and Conformance.Conclusion The drug users had some special personality characteristics and they were divided into four typical personality types.


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