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作者:李靖  赵郁金 
单位:北京大学心理学系 北京 100871 
关键词:Internet use Interpersonal trust Self-esteem 

Objective To compare levels of interpersonal trust and self-esteem between high and low Internet users in college students.Methods High and low Internet users were selected according to their average time spent on Internet and degree of pleasure derived from use of the Internet.The two groups were both assessed by Rotter's Interpersonal Trust Scale and Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale.Results High Internet users showed significantly lower interpersonal trust level than the low Internet users; no significant difference was found in self-esteem level between the two groups; Interpersonal trust level positively correlated with self-esteem level for both groups.Conclusion The degree of Internet use was related to interpersonal trust and self-esteem levels.

Objective To compare levels of interpersonal trust and self-esteem between high and low Internet users in college students.Methods High and low Internet users were selected according to their average time spent on Internet and degree of pleasure derived from use of the Internet.The two groups were both assessed by Rotter's Interpersonal Trust Scale and Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale.Results High Internet users showed significantly lower interpersonal trust level than the low Internet users; no significant difference was found in self-esteem level between the two groups; Interpersonal trust level positively correlated with self-esteem level for both groups.Conclusion The degree of Internet use was related to interpersonal trust and self-esteem levels.


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