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作者:王旭梅1  金魁和1  曾定尹1  叶田道雄2  中嶋泰宪2  远藤俊吉2 
单位:1. 中国医科大学 辽宁 沈阳 110001 
 日本医科大学 日本 东京 113-8602 
关键词:P300 TCI 人格 

目的 探讨事件相关电位P300与气质性格量表(the Temperature and Character Inventory,TCI)人格维度的关系。方法 采用oddball作业和Cloninger的气质性格量表(TCI)对20名被试进行测量。结果 P300的振幅与TCI的持续性、损害回避人格维度呈负相关,P300潜伏时与TCI的新奇性探求人格维度呈负相关。结论 健康被试的人格维度与事件相关电位P300特征有一定相关。

Objective To study the relationship between P300 and Personality Characteristics.Methods Twenty subjects were assessed on the Oddball-Task and the Cloninger's Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI).Results The P300 amplitude was negatively related to the Persistence and the Harm Avoidance dimension scores of TCI; P300 latency was negatively related to the Novelty Seeking score of TCI.Conclusion The personality of healthy subjects is related to the P300.


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