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作者:程灶火  王力 
单位:中南大学湘雅二医院 湖南 长沙 410011 
关键词:Explicit memory Neural mechanisms Functional imaging Event related potentials 

The fMRI and ERPs have played important roles in understanding neural mechanisms of human memory.Recent studies have revealed that distinct regions in medial temporal and prefrontal areas exhibit more neural activity during successful than unsuccessful memory formation.The results from different studies suggest that relational and non-relational memories are mediated by distinct sub-regions in medial temporal and prefrontal cortex and there are extensive interactions between them in a parallel and bi-directional fashions.Emotionally arousing events enhance neural activity in amygdala,which in turn may modulate processing in other brain regions responsible for declarative memory formation.

The fMRI and ERPs have played important roles in understanding neural mechanisms of human memory.Recent studies have revealed that distinct regions in medial temporal and prefrontal areas exhibit more neural activity during successful than unsuccessful memory formation.The results from different studies suggest that relational and non-relational memories are mediated by distinct sub-regions in medial temporal and prefrontal cortex and there are extensive interactions between them in a parallel and bi-directional fashions.Emotionally arousing events enhance neural activity in amygdala,which in turn may modulate processing in other brain regions responsible for declarative memory formation.


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