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单位:华侨大学心理健康教育与辅导中心 福建 泉州 362011 
关键词:University students View of marriage System of value Judgment 

Objective:To examine university students' perspectives on the value of marriage and love,to establish their commonly held judgments,and to provide an objective and reliable documentation.Methods:332 university students from four universities were interviewed and asked to complete an examination paper;SPSS 9.0 software was used for quantitative and qualitative statistical analysis.Results:University students placed a greater emphasis on inner personal qualities,and less emphasis on outward appearance when choosing a marriage partner.They attached less importance to virginity when choosing a partner.They also tended to have a different outlook on marriage and love according to their gender.They did not agree with having sex before marriage.Conclusion:University students' outlook towards marriage and love is both positive and healthy.Different values,judgments,and standards exist among students.

Objective:To examine university students' perspectives on the value of marriage and love,to establish their commonly held judgments,and to provide an objective and reliable documentation.Methods:332 university students from four universities were interviewed and asked to complete an examination paper;SPSS 9.0 software was used for quantitative and qualitative statistical analysis.Results:University students placed a greater emphasis on inner personal qualities,and less emphasis on outward appearance when choosing a marriage partner.They attached less importance to virginity when choosing a partner.They also tended to have a different outlook on marriage and love according to their gender.They did not agree with having sex before marriage.Conclusion:University students' outlook towards marriage and love is both positive and healthy.Different values,judgments,and standards exist among students.


[1] 卢淑华.婚姻观的统计分析与变迁研究.社会学研究,1997.2,37
[2] 李银河.性的问题.中国青年出版社,1999.3,11
[3] 秦云峰.从性自由到性规范.呼和浩特:内蒙古出版社,1997.124.


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