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作者:陈图农  孙晨敏  杨杏梅 
单位:南京医科大学脑科医院 江苏 南京 210029 
关键词:阿尔茨海默病 鉴别 正常老年 


Objective:To investigate distinctive cognitive indexes for Alzheimer's Disease.Methods:Memory,thought,verbal and spatial ability tests were applied to the 74 normal elderly adults and patients with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and Vascular Dementia (VD).Results:Significant differences were found in the memory,thought,verbal and spatial ability among the different groups except for the subtest recognition.There were no significant differences between patients with AD and patients with VD.Conclusion:The cognitive indexes applied in this study were effective to distinguish patients with dementia from the norm elderly people,but were not sensitive to differentiate the Alzheimer's Disease from other types of dementia.


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